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Friday, January 4, 2013

Reviews, Regrets, and Resolutions

Happy New Year everybody!  

Overall, 2012 was an awesome year.  So many good things happened for me, my family, and my friends.  I don't have enough room or time to tell all the good things but some of the major things that happened for me are I was inspired to write a novel.  Inspiration soon turned into frustration but I regrouped and turned a negative into a positive.  

I discovered I'm a much better short story writer than novelist.  My novel is now a collection of short stories.  I've shared a couple of the stories I plan to use in Un-Sociable with a few friends and received so much positive feedback and encouragement.  I also received tons of excellent advice that has saved me time and money from the Motown Writer's Network.   

I've found a real friend in Sylvia Hubbard, the founder.  She is a wonderful person, lots of fun, and full of useful information that she generously shares with me and others.  In case you can't tell, I have much love for this sister.  I hope I can be as good of friend to her as she's been to me.  

I've also worked with some of the best filmmakers, actors, actresses, and musicians in Detroit (and possibly the world) this past year.  There is talent all around me and I'm extremely grateful to be able to connect with these people on a regular basis.  The projects that I participated in were exceptional.  I plan to share them as the year progresses and they are available to be shared. 

I spread myself a little too thin in 2012.  I let it affect my health, my finances, and my friendships.  Running all over town trying to do everything had me making poor choices.  I ate way too much fast food and filled myself up with junk food like chips, pretzels, candy, cookies, etc.  I was tired all the time due to a lack of proper sleep and rest.  I had a couple of colds that really broke me down and lingered far longer than they would have had I taken better care of myself.   

I spent a lot more money on restaurants, coffee, and snack foods than I should have.  Not to mention burning up a whole lot of gas at over $3.00 per gallon.   

I put off calling people, making plans, and just hanging out with my friends because I was doing something that seemed truly important at the time but I can barely remember doing now.  I was short tempered and cranky at times because of my poor time management skills and lack of sleep.  Fortunately,  my friends didn't take my bad attitude personally and continued to remain friends with me.  

I don't make New Year's Resolutions but I started doing some things towards the end of 2012 that I'm going to continue doing.  I've been eating more fruits and vegetables, cooking with different spices and seasonings, learning new techniques and tips, and improving my food photography.   

In addition to food photography, I'm more committed to taking photos.  I'm on a mission to take a photo everyday this year.  I am taking my camera with me almost everywhere I go.  Inspiration and beauty are everywhere and I'm going to try to capture as much as I can.

I'm currently working on a short film project with a friend.  It has a lot of potential and I know so much more about the whole film making process compared to a year ago.   I learned more about directing and camera last year.  I will be directing this year and hopefully I will be brave enough to get behind the camera by the end of 2013. 

Even if it all doesn't work out the way I want, at least I will have tried and I will learn from the experience. 

Thanks for reading and best wishes for the New Year.    

Please leave a comment and share with a friend.  


There are no photos in this post because I'm having trouble getting the photos to upload:-(


  1. Excellent post, April!! Hate to say this, but your 2012 seems to be almost identical to mine. For me, however, it was mostly running around and doing so much for everyone else I forgot about myself along the way. Something I hope to change this year. Maybe we can be each other's support. :-)
